The net neutrality rules enacted by the Federal Communications Commission in the US late last December are facing tough opposition by the new Republican intake in the House of Representatives. As CNET and other media outlets have reported, net neutrality is facing not one, but two different types of legislation that, if passed, would stop net neutrality in its tracks.
Last week the House held hearings on the new rules. The end result of these hearings, which set the tone for other battles in which the government has overstepped its authority in the eyes of the new intake, was a new mechanism for Congress to nullify new rules introduced by government agencies. The House and Senate introduced jointly the 'Resolution of Disapproval' to allow for a simple majority vote to overturn new rules like the net neutrality rules introduced last year. Furthermore, on Thursday, the House introduced an ammendment to the current budget bill which will prohibit the FCC from spending any money on the net neutrality rules. Ten House Democrats along with the House Republicans voted in favour of the ammendment and it passed. However, the budget bill still needs to make it through Congress successfully for the non-funding to take place.
What does all of this mean for the idea of net neutrality? Opponents in Congress agree that the FCC doesn't have the legal jurisdiction or authority to pass and implement any new rules that have not been passed by Congress. And the new Republican intaked vowed to take on this and many other issues where the government has increased its power. Though net neutrality is one of many issues facing a heated debate in Washington, net neutrality is a dying topic. The debate in Europe is nearly over as the UK and EU see no reason to implement it. The bottom line is that net neutrality is regulation on the Internet and less regulation - in the form of not implementing net neutrality - means more jobs and economy that grows.
It”s natural for us as humans to not want to be a part of a “pack” that”s perceived as “weaker
Posted by: eulah | 06/04/2011 at 07:16 AM
it through Congress successfully for the non-funding to take place.
Posted by: ray ban | 25/04/2011 at 08:23 AM