Over the last few weeks, this blog has often touched upon the heated political debate in the United States surrounding the issue of airport body scanners. Indeed, public discussion of intrusive nature of this technology has been considerably more widespread in the US than here in the United Kingdom.
US Senator Chuck Schumer, who is likely to be the next leader of the Democratic caucus in the Senate, has moved forward with a bill that "would make the recording or distribution of images taken by the machines a federal crime". Under his proposed legislation, infringing this law would result in a prison term of up to a year and a maximum fine of $100,000.
Commenting on his proposal, Schumer said:
"As we put in place new technologies to detect and capture those who wish to harm us, we need to do everything we can to protect the privacy rights of the air travelers.
"This new law will send a loud and clear message to the flying public. Not only will we do everything we can to protect your safety, but the government should do everything it can to protect your privacy as well. And as you know, most Americans have said they're willing to accept new screening procedures if it means increased safety".
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