...and one Government department definitely needs a name-change (click to enlarge).
As our friends at Privacy International have noted, it will be very interesting to see the 'how'.
By Dylan Sharpe
It's in their own interest in the long run. Remember how GDR people felt about the Stasi when the wall came down.
I shall be waiting with 'bated breath.
Only thing is that I realise there are a lot of people who didn't like this but only because of factors like; cost, lack of benefit to the holder, the fact it was being introduced by a lefty government, etc.. So I will not be surprised to see it resurface in some form or another some day. Hopefully the memory of this disgraceful waste of money, and the clearly paranoid motivations of this scheme, will remain in the public mind for some time and give the next generation of resentful puritans pause when they contemplate another try.
So I still belong to myself, sort of. That was a close shave though. I shall fly a flag when they cancel it, stuff planning permission.
Posted by: Redacted | 12/05/2010 at 10:20 PM